

3. Associazione Naga

11/02/2021 01:22


centri etnopsichiatria,

3. Associazione Naga

Headquarters: via Zamenhof 7, Milan Presentation: born in 1987. In 2001 he opened a center for refugees, refugees and asylum seekers in which they are off

Headquarters: via Zamenhof 7, Milan

Presentation: He was born in 1987. In 2001 he opened a center for refugees, refugees and asylum seekers where guidance services, legal counseling, psychological support, educational activities are offered. volunteers working in the field of health and assistance to migrants Services: – Promotes solidarity
à in defense of social-welfare and legal rights for temporarily present immigrants, political refugees and nomads without any discrimination of race, culture and religion. –
Provides street medicine services for migrant nomads and operates initiatives in support of nomads, prisoners who are victims of exploitation, ethnopsychiatry services, drug administration, – Promotes
activities research and documentation – Offers
legal consultancy services, an anti-expulsion consultancy service, training of linguistic and cultural mediators, volunteers. 

Contacts: website:


telefono : 0258102599 – fax 028392927

CF 02092041207

P.Iva 03741671204




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